A simple guide for arms work-out every gym girl should try

A simple guide for arms work-out every gym girl should try - Little By Little

It is always impressive to see a woman with slightly bulgy muscles. An epitome of fitness that makes you want to develop the same. You can attain it, all you need to do is to follow the routine diet and exercise.

It's important to know there is barely any difference between the men's arm work-out and arm work-out for women. There are three significant muscles you need to work on when talking about arm muscle building - the biceps, triceps, and the deltoids muscles. The bicep muscles are located inside the upper arm and the triceps are located at the back while the deltoids muscle are located at the shoulder region. There is an integration of handy equipment which makes the arms building journey worthwhile because you can do it anywhere as scheduled.


The perfect arm training should at least last for 20 minutes with the use of dumbbells and a medicine ball. That exercise exertion on the muscles will benefit the arms and the whole body. Post-meal work-out is somewhat as important as the exercise with 3-4 sets of 12 reps each and with a resting duration of just 30minutes.


Dumbbell Overhead Press:

One of the first things you notice in ladies/women undergoing arm work-out is their broad shoulder. Shoulders enhance the general strength performance of the upper limb. A shoulder dumbbell press is a compound movement that helps in muscles curl and extensors. This exercise help to revamp the deltoid and triceps muscle cells which enhance the movement of the shoulder joints and the elbows. You can add an overhead press to any of your training routines.



Uneven training of muscles leads to imbalances that make muscles susceptible. Several individuals find it difficult to exercise their shoulders evenly. There are three parts of the deltoid muscles which are the front, middle, and rear but most times only the first two-parts are been exercised while the rear part is excluded from the exercise. One of the reasons why Face Pull is advisable and effective is because it is an exercise procedure that focuses on the rear and also enhances the chest, arms, and shoulders muscles.


Push-Up Exercise:

This exercise procedure improves the triceps muscles but it is significant for trainees to enjoy this exercise procedure. For bulky arm, triceps is essential. The process of push-ups isn't tool-assisted, you can enjoy the increment and bulkiness in your muscles at your convenience. The push-up procedure is recommended for women because it’s easier. This procedure may be difficult for beginners but the process is worth it because it helps in the process of muscle build-up especially the triceps. There are various styles in which you can adopt as you embark on the push-up journey. You can adopt the elevation of your legs or the use of a bench or chair for your push-up.


Cable Overhead Triceps Extension:

The triceps have three parts that enhance the to and fro movement of the arm. The exercise is done with the use of a cable tension which is pulled back and forth. Avoid backlash as you go through this exercise and make sure your movement isn’t beyond your elbow level.

Maintain an adequate stance as you pull the cable which is attached to the station overhead. Turn your back towards it and stretch your arms backward with the cables in your grip and extending your elbow. Do this while maintaining a firm balance.

Dumbbell Hammer Curl:

The main forearm muscle is the brachioradial is which the hammer curl exercise program enhances. The brachioradial is an underused muscle because people tend to use the biceps the most. Part of the benefit of the brachioradial muscles is that the muscle help to stabilize the elbow joints, and also reduces the susceptibility of muscles to injury.


Barbell Biceps Curl:

This exercise procedure solely requires the use of the biceps with the help of the barbell. A barbell is a solid tool used for bicep muscle movement. Don’t forget one of the significant effects of the exercise procedure is to feel the impact on the bicep muscles deltoid muscle. The best way to achieve the biceps muscle improvement goal is to avoid exerting weight on the deltoid and other muscles. Also, make sure your elbows are kept away from your body.    

With the barbell bicep curl, your muscles are exposed to more loads compared with the dumbbells. The weight loads to the arms increase and builds the arm muscles.


How to Lose Arm Fat:

The fact remains that there is genetic and hormonal influence on which area of your body fats develop. Also, the rate at which fat reduces is dependent on the influence of genetic makeup. If your arm muscle sags and flaps, you can control it but not prevent it. The way you can achieve this feat is to recruit more muscle cells and keep up with dieting which can either be a keto and cave-woman diet.


There are a lot of training and exercise procedures that will help to increase arms muscles. The table below shows the exercise reps and sets:









Bench Dip





30 seconds


Arm Finisher





30 seconds


Triceps Dip




3 - 4

30 seconds


Renegade Row





30 seconds


Plank with Biceps curl





30 seconds


Upright Row




3 - 4

30 seconds


Rear Delt Fly




30 seconds


Wide Biceps Curl




3 - 4

30 seconds






3 - 4

30 seconds


Zottman Curl




3 - 4



Squat with Curl




3 - 4

30 seconds

Push-up with

Medicine Ball Shuffle







Push-up with elevated arm




3 – 4

30 seconds


Half-Kneeling Wood Chop




3 - 4

30 seconds


Front Raise to Lateral Raise




3 – 4


Dumbbell Shoulder Press




3 - 4

30 seconds


Triceps Kickback




3 - 4

30 seconds


Biceps Curl




3 - 4

30 seconds

Alternating Lunge with Bicep Curl




3 - 4

30 seconds


Around the World




3 - 4

30 seconds


Triceps Dip




3 - 4

30 seconds


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