Debunking The Biggest Nutrition Myths

We live in an age where we literally have access to every piece of information in existence at the tips of our fingers – with such an ever-continuous stream of information around the world of fitness and health comes a lot of common misconceptions.
At the end of the day, fitness and health is essentially what we perceive it to be – this means that there’s actually a lot of false information flowing about which is based on individual interpretations as opposed to actual truths.
So, here at LBL, we’ve decided to break down some of the most common myths when it comes to nutrition – join us as we explore the truth behind some of nutrition’s most widely accepted false beliefs!
Let’s dive right in!
Nutrition Myths Busted!
Nutritional guidance and information is absolutely everywhere, from health magazines, to websites, to YouTube videos, to the random person at the gym who’s always preaching their nutritional approach which is apparently a flawless blueprint for excellence…basically, a lot of the false chat is present when it comes to nutrition-based guidance!
This can lead to us avoiding something that can actually have a significant positive impact on our lives and fitness journeys due to being under the false impression that we’re successfully dodging things we believe to be negative.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common myths out there!
Weight Loss = The Need For A Calorie Deficit
A range of different factors come in to play when aiming to shed that unwanted body weight, however, it’s commonly regarded that the main ingredient for successful weight loss is a calorie deficit.
However, a calorie deficit can actually be harmful as calories are required for digestion, energy conversion and the maintenance of our basal metabolic rate. Though a calorie deficit can be an effective means for facilitating weight loss, it can come hand in hand with fatigue and nutrient deficiencies which are issues that can have a truly destructive impact on us.
With this being said, the healthiest way to lose weight is through eating a nutrient rich diet, increasing our level of physical activity and restricting our intake of processed and highly saturated and sugary foods/drinks. At the end of the day, without a nutrient-rich diet, we will not have sufficient energy to get along with our days let alone fuel our workouts!
High Fat Foods Are Bad For Us
Yes, it’s no myth that an excessive intake of fat can cause us to pile on the pounds as well as jeopardise our health through elevating our risk for health-related diseases and challenges. However, the seriousness of this undeniable truth has in turn painted an image of fats that is solely negative and detrimental.
Life…is about balance!
In the same way that excessive fats can be harmful, a lack of fat in our diets can also bring with it many serious issues. Dietary fat is a necessity for optimal health with many high fat foods being high in essential nutrients! Fat provides us with energy, therefore, it’s essential that our diets contain a healthy level of fat as opposed to not enough or too much.
High Cholesterol Foods – You Better Stay Away From Them!
Like an excessive intake of fat, there’s also no doubt that an excessive indulgence in high cholesterol can be truly harmful to us and our bodies.
But, to stay away from high cholesterol foods altogether can actually deny us from health boosting perks that are not as abundant in other foods – for example, foods like eggs and full fat yoghurt can enhance the feelings of fullness and provide us with nutrients in a way that other foods can’t.
Supplements Provide A Shortcut Route To Our Fitness Goals
Modern day marketing has created an almost superhero like light around the world of health supplementation. The bottom-line however, is that supplements are in no way a lottery ticket for quicker results.
It’s all in the name, ‘supplementation’ will supplement and aid you, but by no means will it give you superhero abilities. To get the most of supplementation, it’s necessary that you first have a healthy diet and are working hard on your fitness goals through training and resting sufficiently!
For those us who may have natural deficiencies when it comes to certain vitamins and minerals, supplementation can be a good way to cover all bases – it’s key to remember however, that the best way to consume vitamins and minerals is through our dietary intake!
Tracking Calories Is A Must When Working Towards Weight Loss!
Truth be told, the above statement could not be any more wrong!
Many of us may believe that the idea of relentlessly tracking our calorie intake can benefit us through providing an indication of how we’re progressing with our fitness goals. But, obsessing over something as specific as our calorie intake can actually increase the risk of disordered eating tendencies.
Although calorie tracking can be a useful tool for certain people such as professional athletes, it isn’t a necessity for everybody.