A fit girls Glute Bodyweight Exercise

A fit girls Glute Bodyweight Exercise - Little By Little

Squats are being praised as a good form of booty exercise. On social media platforms and gyms or anywhere you find yourself, you see different styles and modes of squats as a kind of butt-building exercise. But the most amazing part is that squats are not the only and neither are they the major form of glute exercise option available.

Most of the amazing glute exercise options available out there are exercises you can conveniently do in your house. You don’t need much all you need is your body weight. Quite a number of these bodyweight exercises are isolated and they also focus on glute movement. This makes them very effective. 

As much as we lay more emphasis on more intense movements, because they give us a bit more bang for our money, and work more than one muscle at a time, they are not the best glute exercise. During these intense movements, our glutes can find it difficult to operate during these movements. And at any point where the glue doesn't operate properly, they are prone to injury and overstress the other muscles.


If you sit with your butt all day, regardless of the occasion, it could be driving, or just sitting at your office desk, your glutes are most likely hypoactive. In such cases, you will need to integrate some focused glute exercise to get them up and running again. Most of these bodyweight exercises should be incorporated to allow your glutes to operate properly and function properly during intense lifts like squats. These bodyweight glute exercises tend to activate and increase the strength of your glutes, doing that, they do more than making your glute stronger but they also make them more attractive and can do more lifting.

Body weight glute exercises.

Of all the hypoactive muscles in the human system, the glutes are literally at the top of the pile. Ironically, they also represent one of the most important muscle groups we need to keep active as frequently as possible.

 When your glutes are activated, it comes with a lot of benefits such as injury prevention, better looks, helps you run faster, it helps you evade hip and back pain just to list a few.

When you active your glute you get to have a stronger and better core. It is very necessary for keeping you active in your everyday living.


Below are a few glutes exercise, which helps you activate your glutes:


Fire Hydrants 

For strong glutes, you need to work for them, you can’t leave any angle unturned. To strengthen your glute minimus and medius you need fire hydrant methods like the frontal plane and lateral movements. When you strengthen the minimus and medius you get to evade injury, build stability, and build stronger glutes.


Side Plank Clams 

When you want to do the side clam, propped on your forearm set up on your side with your elbow beneath your shoulder. Fold your knees in such a way that your lower leg and feet are behind you. Your top hand should be placed on your hip, or you can stretch it out towards the ceiling. Don’t use the hand to touch down to the ground neither should you use it to support your body weight in a bid to press up.

Straight Leg Kickbacks 

If you are looking to activate your glute maximus while simultaneously you are engaging your core, this is a good exercise. It makes each side work independently as it is a unilateral move. It allows every side to fend for itself, there is no room for another side to help the other out.

The straight leg kickbacks are also a good exercise for the hip extension to do after sitting at a particular spot for over 5-6 hours. When doing this exercise be sure to focus on kicking back and not just trying to place your leg upward toward the ceiling. If you don’t kickback properly, you won’t be able to activate your glute neither would you be able to extend your hip. 


When you attempt to do the glute-bridge, fold your knees, and place your feet flat on the ground, it should be super close. The reason is so that when you stretch your arm down by your side, your fingertip can brush your heels. You can play around with the positions of your feet. For those with tight hips, it is necessary to move your hands farther away for your fingertips to reach your heels and you can engage the glute instead of the hamstring. Your hamstring should not dominate, let your feet be a hip-width apart.

Hip Thrusters

This is an advanced version of the Glute Bridge, and an amazing way to strengthen your glute. But if you haven’t mastered the regular glute bridge, attempting the Hip Thruster is more like a waste of time. It is relatively easy to feel your low back and legs taking the front position, in place of your glutes, if your glutes are not activated in the Hip Thruster process. As much as the Hip Thruster works the whole leg, different from the regular glute bridge which is a bit isolated, it would still be a glute driven movement.


Unilateral Hip-Thruster 

This kind of glute exercise is a very important exercise that helps activate your glute muscles. When you attempt it, you must do it with your feet raised. The position is such that your heels are on a box and your upper back similarly is on a bench to the bilateral movement. Then raise one foot off the box. You can keep the raised leg folded or raise it upward facing the ceiling. Walking through the heel on the box and your upper back, bridge up. Raise your hips as high as possible. As you do the bridge up, make sure you are not dangling the leg that is raised in a bid to help you lift.