How to Meditate

How to Meditate - Little By Little

Meditation has been practised around the world for thousands of years. It is a technique used to quiet the mind and body and relieve stress. It can also bring focus and clarity, and often, when meditating, issues that you are struggling with, miraculously become resolved. Meditation has been acknowledged to inspire folks to put in writing positive and impactful ideas, and to spur profitable business ideas, as your subconscious becomes free.

One of the common and straightforward types of meditation requires you to take a seat in a tranquil area, either on a pillow, or cross-legged on the ground, or in a very comfy chair, ensuring your spine is straight. It is suggested that you use the same place daily. It is also advised that you simply individualise your spot, by beautifying it with candles, flowers, and even photos of the people you love.

The idea of meditation is to sit quietly, with your eyes closed, and focus on a spot within your forehead. Try not to think about anything specifically, however, do not strive 'not' to think either, allow your mind to become calm, and peaceful. If you discover that your mind is 'chattering', do not try and control it, simply let it end what it is that it's working on, it'll eventually settle down. It is also suggested for beginners to start with 10 to 20-minute sessions, each day. After a while doing this, you may begin to feel deep relaxation, joy and enjoyment throughout your sessions.

The simple steps to starting meditation are, first to take a seat in a very quiet, comfy spot, and to not get distracted, you may want to face a wall about eight feet off from you. Decide on a spot or object on the wall, and make that spot or object your concentration point. Watching your concentration point, begin counting backwards from a hundred, one character for every breath you exhale. As you start to do this, imagine yourself floating, and feeling very relaxed. You may begin to feel your eyelids become heavy, and may begin to blink. Let your eyes slowly shut, and as you still count backwards, imagine yourself as limp as a ragdoll, whole body relaxed, and floating in a very safe and comfortable place. Try not to think of anything and simply float. If any worrisome thoughts come back while in your space, allow them to come in and flow back out. Allow yourself to still feel safe and relaxed. This method will help you to relieve stress and discharge the strain that has been bottled up during difficult times.

When you are ready to come out of this self-hypnosis, you'll either let yourself nod off to sleep, or you can count from one to three and exit. First, count one, and prepare yourself to exit. At two, take a deep breath, and hold for some seconds. At three, exhale and open your eyes slowly. As you open your eyes, still hold on to the relaxed and comfy feeling.

After a couple of times doing this, you can then extend the length of your sessions to thirty minutes, or even longer, up to an hour. Finally, in our exceptionally active and busy lifestyles, it is important that we take a little time out for meditation in our daily schedule.