Our guide to split training

Our guide to split training - Little By Little

You may be wondering what split training is, what does it look like? Many of us want to build muscles in every part of our body but you don’t know how to go about it? The split training is just what you need.

Split Training

The kind of workout training that deals with exercising all the muscle branch of the body can be called split training. In other words, split training is the workout exercise that affects separate muscles of the body.

In case, you’ve seen someone make an Instagram video of them squat racking or hogging a rack, in a bid to build specific muscles of the body then there is a 100% chance you’ve seen someone split training.  

Split training is a bit different from the regular general muscle builds, like that of Anthony Joshua’s, Dwayne Johnsons’. It’s more like a weekly regime for dedicated body muscles. You can decide to go for the biceps today and the abdomen tomorrow it all depends on you. 

How does it work?

It is a critical kind of body training, with a special look on your weekly or monthly plan with every day divided into specific focus could be the biceps, shoulder, or any part with a muscle.  

To enjoy the benefits of this training it is important that you meticulously decide on which part of the body you want to give more attention to on a day to day basis. It helps you evade injury or over-stressing the muscle. Like Wickham said, “It is important to give the muscles enough break to recuperate and become stronger more specific is something around 48-72 hours”. If they don’t get a break, then they won’t have enough time to recover. 

How to do split training?

If you’ve never had the opportunity to do any split exercise, it’s not a problem you have got no worries you aren’t alone.

Well, it may look like a very simple exercise when you were a bit younger at ages that are still a single digit. When you grow up the reality dawns on you and you get to know that it is physically demanding than it looks.

There are a few tips you should check out on split training before you even make a move to try out these moves.

 Any time you want to do split training, make sure you do a warmup for your body first. It helps build your mobility, it doesn’t have to be something that takes long. The warmup can come in form of an 8-10min yoga or a quick walk, this will help the whole temperature of the body and also enhance its mobility.


Stretches you should do while preparing for splits training

Of all the easy to learn exercises, split is the most demanding of all. Even though there are different editions of split training, most beginners like to start with the front and side splits.  

In preparing for splits, it is important to emphasize the stretching and strengthening of the hamstring, groin, and adductor muscles.

Below are three specific stretches that help prepare your body for splits. 

Forward standing pose

This is a perfect stretch for your hamstring. It makes it more flexible. It is not a difficult kind of stretching. Clamp your feet together while standing straight and place your arms by your sides. When doing yoga it is dubbed the mountain pose. While looking up you place your hands above your head. 

Take some good breath inhale and exhale, swan dive over your legs with a flat back, you can put your hands a little bit in front of your feet on the floor. Depending on the kind of flexibility test. You must ensure that the whole of your feet is touching the floor. Maintain that position breathe well and stay like that for half a minute or more depending on how long you can feel comfortable.


Half Pigeon Pose

This is a move that helps increase mobility. It is a good stretch that helps you prepare for splits.

When doing this stretch you start by doing a Dog Downward-facing. You bring your knee and shin to the mat and move your one foot towards the equivalent wrist on the same side. Straighten the other foot back. Make sure that your knee and hip are in a straight line to each other. Bend this foot, move your hands a bit forward. When squaring your hips towards the mat, lower your forehead against the mat. If you feel comfy you can maintain the same position for about 30-40 seconds or more.  


Runner’s stretch 

In yoga, it is also dubbed as the half-seated splits. It is an available scheme on virtually every cooldown and warmup schedule. This stretch regime has been classed as a style that broadens the hip flexors and enhances the flexibility of the hamstring. You begin this particular stretch in a low lunge posture, one of your foot will lean forward while the hands on the outside offer the foot support. Position your left knee on the floor. While moving your hands back, reach your hips back toward one of your heels, and extend the other leg. 



While doing this, don’t hold your breath for too long. You can maintain the posture for about 30-40 seconds and longer if you feel comfy. You can repeat the process and also switch sides’ occasionally from right to left and vice versa.    

When you finally decide to build muscles, and you don’t know the way to go or what muscle to build first, consult a split trainer. They have got you covered, you get to build all in muscles in the body step by step, bit by bit one after the other. Split training is good for everyone regardless of the situation, so what are you waiting for? It’s time to exercise and split training is the way to go.