Switch Up Your Squatting Style – LBL’s Top Squat Variations

When it comes to performing a functional compound movement to effectively train the lower body, squatting is one of most acclaimed exercises!
When we think of squatting, a lot of us may envision the traditional barbell or bodyweight squat - however, it’s often forgotten just how much variation we can incorporate into our squatting habits!
Compound exercises like the squat are a fantastic way to get a great training response out of the body through practicing functional movements which activate multiple body parts. Moreover, including variation in your routine can go a long way towards beating workout boredom, supplying the body with new challenges and preventing overuse injuries!
So, want to know how to switch up your approach to squatting through trying some great variations? I’m hoping that your answer is yes! – and if that’s the case then keep reading as we look at some effective squat variations to add to your routine.
The Beauty Of Squats And The Beauty Of Variation
For women worldwide, squatting is one of the most popular exercises for training our lower body and working towards achieving that perfect figure. This is no surprise, as the motion of squatting is one of the best push movements we can execute to really target and sculpt those legs, calves and that booty!
Though the classic squat is seen as the holy grail of squatting for its guaranteed activation of the lower body, other variations can equally allow you to work the same muscle groups whilst also keeping things fresh, new and exciting!
Keep things interesting – Switch up your workouts!
When it comes to training and exercising, many of us can be creatures of habit. With established training habits comes a routine structure and the risk of things getting a bit too comfy…
Now, it’s key to remember that we progress the most from training that shocks our bodies through new challenges and movements- with this in mind, variation in your fitness routine will not just add the excitement of trying new things, but it’ll also elevate your progress through your body needing to adapt and improve to meet and conquer new demands!
Right, so now that we’ve explored the value of squatting and the benefits of workout variation, let’s take a look at some of the best variations of the classic squat.
LBL’s Top Squat Variation Movements
Bulgarian Split Squat
This variation can be executed using weighted resistance or just with bodyweight – the Bulgarian spilt squat really tests and trains your front leg, allowing for a targeted training focus on each leg! The heightened intensity and attention to detail of this variation will well and truly ward of those muscle imbalances!
Sumo Squat
Whilst working the legs, glutes and calves, this variation also sheds focus on targeting and strengthening those inner thighs more so that the classic squat.
Pistol Squat
This one is a tricky one! The pistol squat is a movement that can require a lot of practice and willpower – but being able to perform it can help you to develop strength, balance and stability in each leg. For those who are new to the pistol squat, a chair can be a great tool to use when starting off.
Lateral Squat
The lateral squat is a fantastic squatting variation for firing up you posterior chain and really activating those stabilising muscles! To up the ante, resistance bands around the legs can be used.
Squat Jumps
Squat jumps are one the most underappreciated explosive movements for absolutely blitzing that lower body! Contracting the calves through pushing up from the toes when jumping can add a great killer calves burn to this movement!
Front Squat
This movement is the same as a weighted traditional barbell squat with the only difference being that the weight is held at the front. This alteration facilitates a great deal of core activation whilst also requiring your upper back to work to maintain a good posture.
Don’t Wait! Switch Up Your Squatting Now!
With a such a wide range of squatting variations on offer, take it upon yourself to try out some new and exciting movements the next time you’re looking to hit that lower body!
Remember, variation is key to training progress – on top of developing your ability to master and reap the rewards from new exercises, it also helps to keep things interesting whilst warding off workout boredom.