The Perks of Super Fruits and 5 Options to Add To Your Weekly Shop!

The Perks of Super Fruits and 5 Options to Add To Your Weekly Shop! - Little By Little

It’s likely that you’ve heard of the term ‘super foods’, which are foods that provide nutritional benefits in abundance whilst also containing minimal calories…but what are ‘super fruits’?

With so much time at home during lockdown to explore and learn about the world of health and wellbeing, weekly shops can be an opportunity to really invest in our health and nutrition, as well as a way to experiment with new nutritional additions.  Join us as we explore the world of super fruits  and look at 5 options to add to your weekly shop.


Super Fruits – So, What Actually Are They?

To put it into simple terms, a super fruit is basically the fruit version of a super food. Super fruits are truly super for our nutrition (excuse the pun), and are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. In addition to supplying our bodies with such an array of fantastic nutritional components, an intake of super fruits can also provide us with an all-important mental boost and guarding against the risk of health issues and disease.

With such a heath elevating impact and internally cleansing and anti-inflammatory benefits, super fruits are not only truly health boosting but also a delicious food shop addition for consuming as snacks as well as alongside meals such as breakfast.

Right then, let’s take a look LBL’s top 5 suggestions for super fruits to place in your shopping basket the next time you’re doing your weekly shop.


LBL’s Top 5 Super Fruits To Stock Up On

1. Blueberries

On top of tasting great, blueberries are truly brilliant for our health. With anti-inflammatory properties combined with a supply of antioxidants, blueberries are massively a source of nutritional benefit.

For those of us who may be diabetic or have a family history of diabetes, blueberries are a must for weekly shops. This is because they contain anthocyanins which help to protect against insulin resistance, an issue through which the body’s natural response to sugars in the blood is interrupted.


Adding fresh or fried blueberries to cereal, oats and yoghurt can be a delicious way to incorporate this super fruit into your snacking and eating habits!


2. Grapefruits

This colourful beauty does more than sitting in the fruit basket looking pretty. Grapefruits, while low in calories, have a very high nutritional content. Like blueberries, grapefruits can also help the prevention of insulin resistance- additionally, they can also be great for the health of our hearts.

For those of us looking to look weight, an interesting fact about grapefruit is that it’s actually been shown to help aid weight loss.


 3. Figs

It’s commonly known that fiber-rich foods are facilitators for a healthy level of digestion – now, when it comes to fiber-rich fruits, figs are right up there! Packed with antioxidants and other nutrients such as magnesium, calcium and potassium, figs are a great for immunity and bone health.

Figs are also a great super fruit option for those looking to lose weight – their richness in fiber can help to control hunger levels which in turn can reduce cravings.



4. Cranberries

Cranberries are not only on the list of fruits that’ve been recognised as possessing anti-cancer properties but are also great for supporting healthy processes within our female bodies - cranberries have been shown to lower the risk of urinary tract infections (UTI’s)!

Moreover, this super fruit is low in calories, high in Manganese and s supplier of anti-inflammatory benefits.

 5. Raspberries

Raspberries are a versatile super fruit that are great as a health-boosting snack as well as being a delicious accompanying ingredient to cereals, oats, yoghurt, pancakes and sweet dishes!

Studies have shown that in addition to being an elevator of healthy digestion through being one of the richest food sources of fiber, raspberries are high in antioxidants and can actually reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.



Don’t Settle For A Diet That’s Decent, Settle For Something Super!

Super fruits are a great way to pack in a rich supply of nutritional components whilst also keeping the calorie count low. With such a wide array of options when it comes to combining these fruits with meals and snacks, they’re truly brilliant for satisfying our nutritional needs as well as our taste buds!