Weight Loss Tips – Surprisingly Filling Foods That’re Low In Calories!

Achieving the goal of losing weight can be one of the most rewarding feelings ever! But the process behind successful weight loss certainly isn’t a simple quick fix. Successful weight loss journeys require hard work, sufficient exercise, commitment and consistency.
When seeking to lose weight, a general rule of thumb is to reduce your calorie intake. This can be a tricky guideline to follow but fortunately there’s plenty of food out there that has the potential to satisfy you hunger whilst also limiting your daily calorie intake. In this blog, we’ll explore the relation between calories and weight loss and also take a look at some of the best surprising filling foods out there that are low in calories!
If you’re serious about weight loss, then know that with determination, time and hard work, you are absolutely capable of smashing your goals…
Do something today that your future self will thank you for.
The Relationship Between Weight Loss & Calories
Calories are absolutely essential for providing us with energy for taking on the tasks of our day to day lives. However, if your fitness goal happens to be based around weight loss, a smart approach towards your calorie intake could be to opt for more low-calorie foods!
Essentially, weight loss comes down to the calories you take in versus the calories you burn off. Your body has a constant demand for energy and this energy can come in the form of your calorie intake. But if you consume more calories that you burn off, the result will be weight gain. On the other hand, burning more calories than you take in will have you moving forward on your path to weight loss success.
Reducing your calorie intake does not have to mean a dramatic change – if you feel super determined to jump straight into the deep end then go for it girl! But there’s also the approach of simply reducing your intake of high-calorie items and introducing more low-calorie foods to your diet! This lifestyle change in combination with increased levels of exercise can seriously go a long way!
Right, let’s take a look at some great options when it comes to low-calorie foods that can still satisfy your needs!
Low-Calorie Fillers – A Weight Loss Hack!
Through the following list of items we present to you some great and delicious foods which can provide your body with the energy that it needs for every-day tasks as well as for training- they can also help you to keep your calorie intake at bay!
When it comes to breakfast, oatmeal is a superior choice of meal for many reasons! Oatmeal is not only low in calories – (1 cup of oatmeal=150 cals), it’s also extremely versatile and can be accompanied with other items such as fruit, nuts and seeds. Oatmeal provides us with a slower release of energy, keeping us energised over a longer period of time and leaving us fuller for longer.
Low-fat cottage cheese
Compared to most cheeses, cottage cheese has one-fifth of the calories! The list of attributes of this dynamic cheese goes on as it’s also significantly high in protein (around 28grams per cup) making it ideal for aiding recovery! The nutrient richness of cottage cheese means that it has the ability to keep your appetite in check for quite a while!
Cottage cheese is great for any time of the day and can make for delicious company alongside other foods, try it out for yourself and get creative!
When it comes to calories in fruit, berries such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are a delicious way to take in the wholesome and natural energy that fruit has to offer along with a delicious and refreshing taste! Berries can be a great snack for any time of the day, a refreshing breakfast addition as well as a brilliant ingredient for smoothies!
3 ounces of shrimp comes to around 85 calories! – not only is this delicious seafood item absolutely incredible for the taste buds, it’s also a great option when seeking delicious foods that’re low in calories. What’s even better is that shrimp is also high in protein, making it a great muscle builder.
With an array of potential recipes and mouth-watering dishes, why not buy some shrimp the next time you do a food shop and see what you can create?
The calorie count for a whole large cucumber is staggeringly below 30 calories! Cucumber is a massively flexible food item that can accompany a protein source, be a part of a salad or even be a refreshing and nutritious ingredient for a health-boosting smoothie!
Cucumber also promotes hydration and contains antioxidants!
In addition to being jam-packed with protein, eggs are also surprisingly low in calories! Full of belly-filling protein, eggs can help you to stay full without dipping into the world of excess calories! Eggs are versatile and can be consumed at any time of the day.
It’s key to consider that overeating eggs however can certainly lead to an increased cholesterol, so keep it all balanced!
Asparagus is a delicious vegetable that tastes brilliant on its own as well as alongside a protein source like chicken or salmon. A cup of asparagus is equivalent to below 30 calories, making it a great low-calorie side for any dish. In addition to this, asparagus is also rich in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K - asparagus is truly packed with nutrients!
Weight Loss Is No Run In The Park…But It Sure As Hell Is Possible!
The weight loss journey is one that requires discipline, exercise, a healthy nutritional intake and CONSISTENCY. With a all these components in place and the willingness to keep working away, your goals will eventually become achievements! You’ve got this!