Yoga For Beginners: 20 Simple Poses To Get You Started

Yoga For Beginners: 20 Simple Poses To Get You Started - Little By Little

Whether you’re young or old, a beginner or experienced, yoga has the power to bring some truly profound benefits to both your physical and mental wellbeing. The great thing is that anyone can reap the benefits of yoga, so…don’t miss out!

Keep reading as we get to know the basics of yoga as well as take a look at some yoga poses that are absolutely great as well as being beginner-friendly!

Yoga 101

What actually is yoga?

Well, yoga is an ancient form of exercise that seeks to improve mental and physical wellbeing through focus on strength, flexibility and deep breathing. Yoga is a mind and body practice and it’s for absolutely everyone! The main components of this practice are postures/poses and synchronised breathing.

How can it improve my life?

Yoga’s approach of combining breathing, meditation and postures has the potential to reduce stress (both mental and physical stress), encourage relaxation and improve strength and flexibility.

In a world where our minds are here, there and pretty much everywhere, yoga can be a means of relaxing our body whilst also anchoring ourselves to the present moment. Studies have also suggested that yoga can improve blood circulation, heart health and the quality of our digestive processes.

So, you want to try it out for yourself?

As mentioned, one of the main components of yoga is yoga poses. Combining the practice of such yoga poses with deep and controlled breathing is pretty much what yoga is all about. Right, let’s take a look at our selection of 20 beginner-friendly yoga poses!

20 Beginner-Friendly Yoga Poses

1. Child’s Pose

The child’s pose is great position in which pause, relax and feel a nice stretch. This pose stretches the lower back, hips and legs. This pose is great for both stretching and strengthening the spine whilst also promoting increased flexibility!


2. The Downward Facing Dog

The downward facing dog is a staple for any yogi! This pose is commonly practiced when transitioning from one posture to the next. The pose is a soothing way to stretch the hamstrings, calves and chest whilst also lengthening the spine.


3. Plank

The plank is not just a great yoga but a fantastic addition for any training session! The plank is a core-strengthening exercise which focuses on working and improving core strength and stability.


4. Cobra Pose

The cobra pose will aid you in strengthening your lower back muscles whilst cushioning the spine. This pose is great for giving your whole back a thorough stretch! The cobra pose will also have you on your way to toning your buttocks and in doing so, working those buns!


5. Four-Limbed Staff Pose

The four-limbed staff pose is essentially a push-up variation and when it comes to working on strength through yoga, this pose is the one! This pose works and engages the core as well as the arms and shoulders. The four-limbed staff pose is a stamina building pose that can support you in preparation for more challenging arm balancing postures.


6. Triangle Pose

The triangle pose is very dynamic pose that can fill you with both mental and physical energy! This pose will stretch your torso and lower body whilst mobilising the hips- overall, it’s a great pose for promoting strength and mobility!


7. Tree Pose

The tree pose focuses on both physical and mental grounding…a solid pose that promotes deep breathing whilst also promoting balance and stability. This truly powerful pose seeks to represent the steady stance of a tree.

8. Bridge Pose

The bridge pose is gentle yet effective means of extending and stretching the spine. With many of us spending a large part of our day glued to our desks or constantly sitting in some way or another, stiff backs can be a common problem. The bridge pose is a great way to combat stiff backs through a mobility-boosting move.


9. Cobbler’s Pose

The Cobbler’s pose is another yoga staple. This pose is ideal for really focusing on your breathing whist anchoring yourself to the present moment. The pose is massively beneficial through its stimulation of the abdominal organs, ovaries and bladder- making it brilliant for us women.


10. Half Forward Bend

The half forward bend is a flat back movement that focuses on building and strengthening the stability of the back. This move also gives the hamstrings, calves and arms a great stretch.


11. Happy Baby

The happy baby pose combines fun with function. This pose enables the floor to cushion and support the lower back, making it especially beneficial for those of us who may suffer with stiffness or soreness in our lower backs.



12. Low Lunge

The low lunge aids the body in releasing tension in your hips and lower body. The pose also stretches your hamstrings, quads and groin whilst supporting your body in improving its balance and stability.



13. Suppine Spinal Twist

This pose seeks to give movement to the side regions of your body as well as our spine. It’s also been suggested that this is a great pose for supporting the function and health of our digestion system-try it out for yourself!



14. Seated Half-Spinal Twist

Here we have another member of the yoga twist pose family and another posture that works to bring movement and energy to your spine. The seated position means that it can also be beneficial in relieving any tension that’s in the middle if the back.


15. Corpse Pose

Right, you’re probably thinking what on earth is that name? Well, as strange and bizarre as the corpse pose may sound, it’s actually fantastic! This pose oozes mental clarity and allows you to really focus on your breathing whilst feeling the gravity of your body weigh down on the ground. With this pose especially, sinking into a meditative state of peace is more likely than ever! 

16. Mountain Pose

Though it can seem like this pose may lack impact, the mountain pose forms the blueprint for many other poses! When combined with deep breathing and anchoring yourself to the present moment, the potential for mental clarity is truly great.


17. Downward Dog On Chair Pose

This variation of the downward dog pose promotes the strengthening and lengthening of the spine. This is great for warding off any imbalances or back stiffness! The hamstrings and calves also receive a nice stretch from this pose!

18. Seated Forward Fold Pose

The seated forward fold pose works to stretch and really engage the legs whilst elongating the back of your body. This pose is great for stretching the spine and can also be helpful if you’re looking to loosen any stiff or sore hamstrings.



19. Upwards facing Dog Pose

The upwards facing dog can aid you in opening up your chest and shoulders whilst simultaneously stretching and engaging  your abdominals and hip flexors. This pose is also great for focusing on strength and stability!



20. Side Plank Pose

The side plank pose engages and strengthens the shoulders, back and abdominals! With focus on balance, the pose promotes stability and focus. The side plank pose also works to strengthen the arms and legs.



And there we have 20 great yoga poses that are not only beginner-friendly but also brilliant for those of any level. Remember, yoga is for everyone and its benefits are truly profound! Where will your yoga journey take you?