Workouts although more famous with male bodybuilders, that’s s not the case anymore. Now more than ever both men and women regularly workout now and not only for professional bodybuilding but also for personal non-competitive scenarios.
And yes, although many don’t believe in a workout, the few that do might not be doing it right. This article is going to walk you through working-out for women and what they should take into consideration when about to get into the exercising. So in this guide, I’ll be talking about what you should and should not be doing when starting out.
As a first-timer at the gym, it can be scary, and intimidating as a woman, getting into the gym Because of the gym stigma, and going in to see a room filled with huge men with little or no women around, it can be difficult to get yourself out there to workout. But It’s really all about having the right mindset, and what will make you feel comfortable and seeking help when required.
Getting Started
1. Get your health checked out
It’s very important to consult your doctor and get a physical medical examination before starting an exercise routine. To see where you stand physically and physiologically. For those not used to strenuous physical activities, getting a health check is important, it’s also important for those above the ages of 45 and above.
An early check-up can detect any maybe pre-existing problem you might have with your health or body conditions that may put you at risk when exercising. This is also important so as to know your limits, making it easier for you and your personal trainer to be able to work out without any injuries or strains.
2. Make A Plan and Set Realistic Goals
As they say “People with goals succeed because they know where they are going” Once decided, try creating a plan that will include step stand goals that you yourself can attain.
First off, start with a plan- steps to follow, easy ones. You can then continue building on it and increasing as your fitness level improves.
An example is a goal to finish a ten-kilometre run, start by making a plan that includes shorter runs. Once you’re done with those short runs, you can try increasing the distance until you can run the whole ten kilo-meters at once. This small goals system will definitely help you to increase your chances of success and motivated every step of the. But with goals comes consistency; there’s no need to make unattainable goals that you won’t follow, otherwise, you’d be wasting your time.
3. Making it a Habit
The most important thing to make an exercise stick is to make it a routine. Consistency in exercising becomes easier when you add it to your list of daily activities or routine. Make it a long-term routine for it to develop as a habit in you. Some Review studies concluded that replacing an unhealthy behaviour with a new healthy habit is a great approach to maintaining a consistent exercise routine in a long term. Furthermore, it’s good you make a schedule so that you exercise at the same time every day will be a good way to sustain your routine and make it last.
For example, you can make exercise a habit by planning to work out right after work every day.
Getting Into The Gym
With all these said and done, it's finally time to get into the gym. Here are a few helpful tips that will smoothen your transition to gym life.
Be mentally prepared
The gym may be an intimidating place to be if you’ve never been before. So it’s a necessity to be mentally prepared before heading in for the first time.
Here are a few pointers to make your first time in the gym a bliss.
Always remind yourself before heading in why you’re doing it in the first place, and that you are doing this for yourself
- Everyone at the gym like you started somewhere. You’re not the first person to ever be a beginner. The intimidating pros you see at the gym had been in your position once, intimidated by others before them.
- Last but not least, create yourself a playlist. Use headphones, playing music that makes you feel good and motivated. It’s even better if they are noise cancelling, to help you zone out everyone so you can concentrate on building yourself up. The hardest part of heading into the gym is actually going. So schedule it and put some of your best workout gear that you feel good in. Once you’re there, that is 80% of the hard work done!
What Equipment and Exercises work best for Beginners?
As it’s your first time, you probably might not have picked up weights before or done any form of physical exercise, so it’s advisable you start slow. A great suggestion to start off is to jump onto the treadmill. It’s good you start with a slow walk for 10-15 minutes which will eventually grow in pace to a cardio workout. This will definitely make you ease yourself into the gym, especially if you see people who are confident working out already, it can be a little scary!
Getting A personal trainer will probably be a good investment as he/she will be very effective in showing you the ropes, that is, letting you know and guiding you on a workout routine, and letting you know suitable equipment to use and at what time, an example being the treadmill or weights,
Hence, you will properly learn how to use any equipment at the gym, like weighted machines or any of the cardio equipment, this is important so that you don’t hurt or injure yourself.
If cardio is too much for you to start off with because it’s maybe too tiring, you may consider starting with stretches in a quiet area in the gym. At this point, it’s about getting familiar with the setting, the environment, and being totally relaxed and comfortable at the gym.
How Long Should You Work out for A Beginner?
As a beginner, starting slow is important, you don’t want to push yourself too much as the saying goes, ‘’slow and steady wins the race’’, so start with however long you feel comfortable with. Don’t try to compete, start at a pace that suits your fitness level. You may consider taking 30 minutes sessions to get yourself acquainted. Once you’ve started going regularly and consistently, you’ll probably start incorporating weight training into your routine which will change how long you work out for. Your fitness goals will come into play here, be to lose weight, gain muscle, or improving your endurance. The recommended minimum time for exercise is 150 minutes per week. However, as said before, it is important to start slowly and let your body rest from time to time.
A Few Extra Tips
· Stay Hydrated
Consciously drinking water or fluids throughout the day is essential for maintaining healthy hydration levels.
· Optimizing Your Nutrition.
Always make sure to consume a balanced diet to support your fitness program. You have to balance your goal of losing weight with having the energy to work out. Though carbs are responsible for the weight, they are also particularly important to provide energy in the workout session.
Proteins should be a dominant part of your meals as it improves damaged muscle recovery after exercise and is essential in the repairs of damaged tissue and also helps build-up that muscle mass.
Lastly, always consume healthy fats regularly, it has also been shown to help burn away body fat and preserve muscle fuel during workouts, making your energy last longer.
· Warm-Up
It’s recommended to warm up before any workout. Warm-ups will help prevent injuries and will improve your athletic performance and flexibility. Warm-ups will also minimize or reduce muscle sores after working out.
Always start your workout with some aerobic exercises like arm swings, leg kicks and walking lunges.
· Cool Down
Cooling down helps your body return a normal metabolic state.
You have to take a few minutes to cool down after exercising can help restore normal blood circulation and breathing patterns. Cooldown routines will also reduce the chance of muscle soreness. Light walking after a hard cardio exercise or stretching after resistance training may be great ways to cool down
· Listen to Your Body
Every human body has its limits and you have to be aware of yours. Be mindful of your body’s limits especially if you are just starting out with exercising. Pain tells you something is wrong. When you feel pain during an exercise, stop. Don’t push through the pain, it’s not a good idea, as it can cause injuries.