
4 things you need to get started with running - Little By Little

Running is by far one of the best cardio exercises you could do to get your heart rate up and to burn calories. Despite this, however, many people do not like running (or cardio in general!) and end up quitting early. There are a few things you should have/be aware of before starting running that will help you be consistent. This article explores some of these things.

8 habits of fit women - Little By Little

Being fit is a lifestyle and maintaining your fitness requires a great deal of commitment, hard work, and consistency. There are some habits that all fit women have and implementing them into your life will positively impact your fitness. This post will explore some of these habits.

Running During Lockdown: LBL’s Tips For Beginners – Start Running Today! - Little By Little

Lockdown guidelines mean no gym sessions, restricted socialising and living life in this weird socially distanced world that we’re currently in. Staying at home all day can be super frustrating and draining, but….luckily, outdoor exercise is still permitted.

Many of us may already be using this as a means for outdoor runs or training sessions, but for those who have considered running but are still yet to take the first steps, this blog is for you!- Keep reading as we explore just how beneficial and wholesome outdoor exercise can be! We’ll also look at some great and really helpful tips for beginners when it comes to running outdoors!

Balanced Arms – Where Are Your Triceps? - Little By Little

A common fitness misconception is that ‘arm training=targeting the biceps’…whether this is down to a great deal misinformation or the common association in fitness imagery and video between arm training and bicep curling…who knows…but arm training without targeting the tri’s will have you on a way road to muscular imbalances as well as disproportionate arms!

Keep reading as we discuss the importance of hitting our tri’s as part of our arm training, as well as how we can sculpt a well-rounded set of guns!

Lower Back Stretches: Reducing Lower Back Pain and Increasing Mobility - Little By Little

Lower back pain has become one of the most prevalent and ubiquitous injuries that has affected people in the last few decades. This injury affects, not only adults and older people, but also young adults and athletes. One way to help reduce this pain is through stretching. Stretching has many benefits and this article will explore some of those benefits, and will look at some basic stretches that you can use to get started with.

Plyometrics: An underrated Leg Workout - Little By Little
With lockdown still in full effect and gyms remaining closed, it’s become harder and harder to make, and maintain, gains in both strength and size. This is especially true for legs. One way to level up your at home leg workouts is through plyometric training.
LBL’s Guide To Picking Out The Best Gym Leggings - Little By Little
In this guide, we’ll be looking at why leggings have become a worldwide phenomenon when it comes to women’s activewear, the features that are super important when considering which leggings to add to your wardrobe and we’ll also be taking at what’s popping right now over here at LBL as we look at our very own range of gym leggings!
Calmness During A Crisis: A Guide To The Best Mindfulness Apps - Little By Little

Many of us may not have been familiar with the term ‘mindfulness’ until recent years….but mindfulness techniques have actually been around for thousands of years. Over the past decade, there’s been a huge surge in the popularity of digital mindfulness tools, with most of these tools now being accessible from the tips of our fingers.

Join us as we delve into the world of mindfulness, explore its profound benefits, understand how to incorporate it into our hectic lives and take a look at some of the best mindfulness apps that’re currently out there!

LBL’s Guide To Deadlifts – A total-Body Targeting Super Move - Little By Little

Deadlifting has an endless list of benefits- from helping to build strength, to packing on muscle, to toning up, to torching calories and burning fat! Join us as we discuss the correct deadlifting form, what makes the deadlift such an effective movement that targets the whole body & how you can align deadlifting with your personal fitness goals!